Last night Austin helped me make creamy turkey soup using congealed turkey stock I made the day before.
Apparently Austin has given up on me because he called Autumn into the kitchen and told her, what else? "I'll give you five bucks if you eat this" "What is it?" "Turkey Jell-O" "O.K." And I'm not kidding, she ate it, no reservations. She didn't gag or flinch. She didn't think it was too bad. Then to top it off Aspen came in demanding a bite of "Turkey Jell-O." Austin initially told her no, but that just made her want it more. Crying ensued and she got her bite. Again, no gaging, nothing. She just said "I no like it." I can't believe it! I can't get these kids to try anything new, maybe jell-o is the key. Perhaps that's how green jell-o with carrots came about--mom's discovered kids will eat anything in jell-o. When it was all said and done Autumn promptly demanded her five bucks. Guess who had to pay her.