Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Baby's First...

...trip to the emergency room. Last Monday, while getting ready for the day, Autumn ran into the bathroom and tripped over Eden. She knocked her over and landed on top of her. I heard a crash and crying and ran into the bathroom, Autumn immediately exclaimed, "I didn't do anything!" Which is kid speak for I did something, don't be mad. When I picked Eden up I immediately saw a dent in her head. I just about lost my mind. I called 911 and before I knew it the firefighters, EMT's and police were here. My wonderful friend Tara arrived in the midst of all of this to take Autumn to school and very calmly collected Aspen as well. We went to the hospital in the ambulance where Austin met us. After a nerve racking hour, CAT scan and multiple traumatic tries at starting an IV (they finally put it in her head), the doc told us that her skull was fractured, but that there was no internal bleeding or swelling. I was so relieved. We had to stay in the hospital overnight so that they could watch her, but she was smiling and happy by the afternoon (once she was sure no one was coming at her with a needle) and thankfully has been ever since. She still has the dent, but we were assured by the pediatric neurosurgeon that her head will reform as she grows. We'll pay him a few visits over the next few months to make sure everything is going well. Thanks to my mom, sister and Tara for keeping my girls and thank you all for your thoughts, prayers, phone calls, and acts of service. We love you!


Mel said...

I am so glad that she is okay. How scary for you and for Eden. I thing is for sure-kids are so resilient.

Unknown said...

I'm so glad she's doing better. That is so scary. That is crazy how much her head dented. I'm glad she's ok.

The Barton Family said...

Holy cow! That sounds scary. It is amazing how something everyday that happens a hundred times can turn out bad once! Briley broke her arm pulling the wagon, she pulled that same wagon to the park everyday and falls every ten minutes no matter what she is doing, but one day- she put the two together and broken arm!! I'm glad she is doing better now.

Tara said...

I'm so glad that she's ok! I think her head looks MUCH better already! I'm glad I could be there to help!

The Barton Family said...

Ok- I looked at your blog this morning and my stomach has been turning the rest of the day whenever I think about that dent!! You are a good mom if you can handle that!

The Lee Family said...

That's funny, when my sister saw the picture, she said she thought she was going to throw-up. I think I've gotten over the shock, because it doesn't look the bad to me anymore.

Rach said...

Wow, what a stressful day for you. I am glad little Eden is better now (and why can't those nurses ever get that IV in the first time??). Don't worry, she'll be fine in no time - kids are incredibly resilient.

Anonymous said...

Wow, when I first read "dented" I assumed something slight. Then I saw the picture. I didn't know you could dent a head like that. I think I would have completely flipped out. I'm so glad to hear that she's doing well.

Jamie said...

I'm so glad that she is ok! When I heard she fell and hit her head I was scared to death for you guys and I was so relieved when I heard she was ok!

Rmomof3 said...

such a praise that she is okay! Very scary! Hugs to all! See you at dance!

Brandon and Sommar said...

That is so scary. Good job staying calm. I am so glad that she is okay.That picture is crazy. Her head already looks a lot better.