Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I want a new camera

We're terrible about taking pictures. I admit it. I always look back at my kid's baby pictures and think "That's it?!" So I'm trying. But I have the worst camera! The baby looks like a ghost. Or maybe it's the operator. Probably it's me. So Keli, here are the pictures you've been asking for, as good as I can get. Do you have any tips? Too much white, I think.
She's still cute as can be, and I cannot believe two months old! She' such a good baby and smiles and coos all the time. Nothing melts my heart like when she "talks" to me. Ahhh, babies.


Tara said...

You guys make the cutest babies!!! ALL of your girls are beautiful!! I love the new entires. Good luck with the camera...ours is awful, too!

Keli said...

Man she is so cute! I have the cutest neices! To bad I can't take any credit :) As for your camera, I am still trying to figure out mine. The only thing that I have found that works is to do it on auto....I am camera stupid!

Teeples Family said...

One of the worlds cutest babies--for sure!

And the pictures of all the girls are so cute. We are blessed to have you as friends!