Saturday, October 4, 2008

Princess Tea

Autumn's 5th birthday was Wednesday. I can't believe she's five, please someone tell me where the time's going. We had a princess tea party for her, her first party since she was one. (That party was nuts, so I decided not to do one again for a long, long time). The girls all came in their princess attire and they were too cute for words. I think everything turned out well, we had pb&j tea sandwiches and fruit and "tea" (apple juice with ginger ale) from a real teapot with real teacups. They were all such little ladies with their best manners at the table.
We painted fingernails, had a princess relay, played musical hearts and had princess trivia during cake. The party went by so fast, I still had more to do, but I think at some point, they'd just like to play. I'm inexperienced at children's parties, so I learned alot of lessons from this one. My biggest regret is that my "teacup" cupcakes didn't turn out. I just couldn't figure out how to frost all sides of the cupcake without making a huge mess (I should have used different frosting). So the cupcakes left something to be desired--but the girls didn't seem to mind. Autumn loved her party and keeps asking if we can have another princess tea party when she's 16. I hope all the girls had fun too. Thanks to everyone who helped! I just have a few pics, because my aunt and Janel took most of the pictures on their own cameras. I'll add more later.


Tara said...

SO CUTE and so FUN! Morgan had a blast! Thanks again!!!

Familie Dettingmeijer said...

I'm always pretty nervous before a birthday party... but it sounds like you did a wonderful job. I will ask Viola for a report and perhaps get some ideas for mias birthday next year ;-)

Keli said...

A party fit for a princess! Wish we were there, Baleigh is so sad we missed it.

Teeples Family said...

We had so much fun; thanks for inviting Emma along too. You did a great job with all the little girls!

Rachel said...

It looks SO beautiful. What a nice mom to go to all those lengths for your little girl. It's amazing to me that she's already five!

Rmomof3 said...

Precious Viola!
It looks beautiful!
I am so glad we can keep in touch this way!