Friday, June 20, 2008

Happy Birthday, Aspen!

Aspen turned two on June 14th. I can hardly believe it. Aspen is tough (and strong) as only a second child can be, but oh so sweet ("Mommy, gimme a hug!"). She is also quite the talker. Since I was just one week post-partum, we decided to keep things simple and have a family party. Aspen's big present was a sand and water table, so we chose a water-theme and included sprinklers, water balloons and everyone's favorite, water guns. Nanna, Uncle Rex and Aunt Janel joined us in the fun (although Nanna took some convincing, soon she became a water-gun afficianado). The girls had a great time and have asked everyday since to turn on the sprinklers.

1 comment:

Rach said...

What a fun birthday present!! That's the best kind of party - kids+ water = fun.